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Why I Love my Home

Why I Love my Home I love my home because my mom is there. My sister is there. But she is sometimes mean. My home. My grandma is there and my dog. I am grateful for my mom because she’s very fun and very energetic. She is always busy with us. But she always makes time for us and we do go to Edmonton. We do fun stuff like go to the jump yard and go to the movies. Do you like your mom? My sister is very energetic to likes my mom and she can be annoying sometimes. She loves the jump yard and the movies. She loves chuck e cheese. She likes quad rides and we go in the trials. We do get stuck in the mud sometimes and one time we were quading in the field. We saw a fox and I sped off. Do you like your siblings? am grateful for my home because it’s in East Prairie and I can see the trees. I can see rainbows and my home is nice. I can decorate my room but we are moving but maybe it’s going to be better for us. I'm going to miss it out there. Do you like your home? I am grateful for my grandma because she is nice and she makes quilts and she made one for me and my sister one too and I am going to keep it forever and my sister is to my grandma likes to watch the news on the tv but she lost her husband and she is sad to do you like your grandma That's why I love my home do you love your home?


Grade 5

High Prairie, Alberta

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