Meaning of Home

Meaning of home My house is by the ocean by the Powell River ferry. And my friend Mason lives right by me. My grand parents are Bud and Cathie. my bed room it has 5000!! Books . My favorite thing to do in my room Is read. My favorite thing to do at my home is play with my dog Bee I have a massive tree fort at my Grand parents house. I have two sisters I’m the one boy Bay in the sisters two parents are Colin and Megan , our last name are Cuningham's. My Favourite thing to do is listen to the planes because . My house is right by the airport. I love my house because it is big and it has large back yard. and it has a high up zipline Ya a zipline and a BMX tack! in my yard. I also have a Power wheel. And two big rocks in the front yard in my front yard.


Grade 5

Comox, British Columbia

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