Home Sweet Home
When I walk in, I can feel the joy and love in the air. The air is fragrant . What is that familiar smell? I can hear my Dad singing as he cooks his spicy chicken curry.
I take off my coat and hear the sound of clicking nails on the hardwood floor. That's when I see a big, fluffy ball of black fur running to greet me. Our standard poodle, Gracie, always makes me smile. Whether I'm gone for an hour or the whole day, she's always so happy to see me when I come home.
As I walk into my house, I can hear my mother speaking on the phone with my grandmother. She's raving about chicken being on sale at Superstore and making plans to go shopping.
I hear my fathers deep melodic voice call out “Supper!”. My furry puppy comes flying around the corner thinking the call is for her. I laugh as I reassure her that her supper will be ready soon. Her big eyes are telling me she's hungry and that she smells the chicken curry. I grab a plain piece of chicken and discreetly give it to her. As Gracie runs off to her bed, next to the cozy fireplace, my mom realizes what I did and she winks at me and laughs. My father looks at me and says “Alexandra, where's my chicken?” and I smile.
This is home sweet home. A place filled with love, laughter, fun and most importantly my family.
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