The Memories of Home
I have a house
But Houses are buildings
built-up of bricks or wood
with roofs and windows,
But a house is not a home to me.
For me, home is a feeling
that my whole family shares.
A home is a place you are safe and loved
where you will be appreciated for who you are,
where you won’t be judged for being yourself.
When I think of my home I think of a house built of memories.
Each brick is a memory, the older ones on the inside
and the newer ones on the outside.
Sure I have memories packed in every corner of my house
But my best memories are tucked in my heart.
Home is where you can make memories
to keep no matter where you are.
Memories are a strange thing,
good or bad they will stay with you forever
and shape you in ways you didn’t think time could do.
Things can get scary and for me,
a home is a place at the end of the day
to come back to and sink yourself into the love and comfort of your family.
I know my address will change as I move through life
But if the memories really matter
they will stay with me forever.
Everyone's meaning of home is going to be different
but for me, home is a place where you are yourself.
That is what a home is to me
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