Why i love my home
Hi i'm claire Fancy i think home should be a place for fun and safety.I Feel like home is You'r past so not having a home could mean You had a hard past or are going through a rough patch now.
I think my home is safe i have lots of warm blankets, soft pillows and a comfy bed .There are a lot of stuff in case of a fire like fire extinguishers and lots of ways to get out in case of an emergency .I have food, lost of water , heat and many more Things too .
I have lotes of fun stuff in my home like writing books ,Reading books and pencils galor. I have a table, a phone and a tv. Thare is a whole play room in my bassement and most of the toys are mine.
I have lotes of peaple To love in my home. My mom somtimes sleeps with me. My little brother is so cute. My dad is amazing and so on. If I'm ever sad i Always have some one who Will take good care of me !
So now You now why i love my home and family. I have so many fun things in my home. So thank You for listening
The end
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