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What Home Means to Me

Home is a place where I can be with my family A place where I can be grateful, cool and funny. It’s a place where I can be myself Even though I could be somewhere else, I’d choose to be home. Home is where I am proud But it can be pretty loud When I am home. I can read, draw and play And play with friends that I play with on Sundays. Home is very fun, Where I can walk and run. Home is the best Where I can rest. My home is very loud When my baby sister Oliva screams and shouts As loud as a yeti yodeling on the icy, blue mounts. But it is where I have a roof over my head It's where I can eat, play and sleep on my bed. And when my mom cooks my favorite food I feel grateful and moved. But in Home is the best place to play And where to laugh, chat and draw on something gray. My house may look like a boring, gray apartment but inside is something very different! My home is warm, fun and white, Closed very tight. Where my mom cooks my favourite food And where I can chat with my friends and be cool. My bedroom in my home is white, pink and blue, And I share this room with my sister too. It has a T.V, a computer and a bunk bed I’d rather be there than be in a shed! Sometimes, it can get very dark and cold, But when my mom and dad come, it’s like it never happened! Home smells as good as a flower in the breeze of a warm spring day Like a rose in a beautiful bouquet It also is as big as five elephants stacked onto eachother I love home, hopefully you do, Do you love it too?


Grade 4

North York, Ontario

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