Home is a place to make memories. Home to me is family and pets. Feeling safe and loved. Home is always
knowing what your next meal is going to be. Where you can say home sweet home. After a long day of work or school you can just lay down. Baking cookies with your mom. Or playing outside with your dad.
Home Isn't just a place, it's a feeling. A feeling of love and someone always with you. Having your own room and bed. Having your own space. Feeling safe and not having to wear your mask or be afraid of anything. Or watching a movie with your family. And sitting down at the table to have meals.
I don’t know what it would be like not knowing what tomorrow looks like. I can always say I know what tomorrow is going to look like. Not knowing if you can stay in a shelter or have to sleep on the street or not. It sucks not being able to put your kids in school.
I wish that every homeless person could be given a home. So they can do everything that I can do. Like knowing what your next meal is going to be. And knowing where you are going to sleep at night. So I hope every 10 dollars from every entry can buy some homeless people a home.
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