A Place to Feel Loved
Home means a lot of different things but to me my home is a feeling. Home isn't about how it looks, it's the people that live in it that count, the people who are in your house breakfast to dinner. You could live in a hollowed out tree but as long as you're with the people you love you will always be happy.
Home is a place to make memories like getting a new pet or doing something with your family and with your friends. I remember one time it was a while back and we all had a sparkler and we were waving them up in the air making shapes and just small things like that are things to remember.
Home is a place to feel loved by your family and by your friends. Through warm summer barbecues and swimming in the pool. Through cold winter days sipping hot cocoa on the porch and making forts in the snow. Those colorful fall days raking piles and piles of leaves and jumping in them all. On rainy spring days playing in the mud puddles, you will always be loved.
Home is a place to have fun! To have sleepovers with your friends, to eat candy until you're sick, to turn up the music so loud that you think your eardrums might bust, to eat so much pizza that your teeth hurt. Home will always be a fun place.
Home will always be the place I want to be.
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