Home-Vs- House
The dictionary when I looked up the word home says the place where one lives. What the meaning of home is to me. When I think of home, I think of all my family including my dogs and the fun we have there. I also think of words like comfortable, feelings. Homes can be all shapes and sizes I think a home is what you put inside and how you feel about it. When I go away with my family camping its nice and I have fun when I am with them and when I can run around a play, but I get a wired feeling of conferred when I come home. I feel relaxed and safe. My family which is my mom, dad, brother and two dogs. We have lots of fun together. We spend time watching movies, playing games, and watching hockey. These are some of the things I like doing home.
The dictionary when I looked up the word house said a building for human habitation. When I think of the word house I think of building, with windows and doors. Its not the same feeling you get when you think of a home. A house could be someone else home. When I visit friends, I go to there house, I try to make sure I listen to parents and being good, and it can be very fun and I feel safe when I am there, but it just doesn’t feel the same as home.
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