Home Sweet Home
By: Zeina Diab
Home Sweet Home
To me, home is a nest where the birds lay to rest,
To me, a home is a forest where the animals get to be blest,
Tisn’t a place for people to cry,
Tisn’t a place for people to lie,
Tis’ a place for people to be loved,
Not a place to be shoved,
Home is my beloved family and I,
Not a cold sigh,
To me, home is a place to sleep, live, and love,
Not one to drink beer, be depressed, and ruin the fun,
Home is a sweet chirping bird to me,
Be free, I say, for we are home;
Home is an everlasting place to be joyful,
And so I say, let the vines grow as we grow old.
Home isn’t a place to waste,
For it lives inside of you like a taste,
A home is a place to grow,
A place where your childhood sews,
Your life in a home turns into a quilt,
It helps you feel free of guilt,
A homeless person deserves this,
Not a cold day on the cold streets,
A home isn’t a loss,
As it stands for applause!
Home is a place to last,
Not a place to pass,
A home isn’t just a place to live,
It is a privilege!
I learned everything I know in my home,
And so I roam,
Whether I groan or moan though,
It will always be home sweet home!
I wrote this poem in a way of giving back. I know that houses have gotten even more expensive lately, and so it is harder for homeless people to get one, since some people are just trying to get one for themselves. Though, we must remember that we are all humans and everyone deserves a place to make memories in. A home isn’t just a place to live in, but a place to change, love, and grow in. A home isn’t just a building, it is a wondrous place that magically makes you happy. Imagine the people who are getting homes from this. Home is a sweet place to live in. It is home sweet home.
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