What does home mean to me?
What home means to me is a place you can rely on. Where you feel safe and protected. Home is where you can have fun and do fun things. Home is where you can make friends digitally and play games with them. Think about home being your safe zone, where if you leave the safe zone you aren't as protected as you are at home.
Home can also not be yours, because the definition of home is a place to stay. Think about the hotels for example. Say you stayed in a hotel room for 1 day, that means that room was your home for 1 day. No matter how long you stay somewhere [in days], that was your home for that amount of time. So that also means that home was yours and not yours at the same time, pretty confusing, right?
If you choose to buy a home and stay there for a long period of time. Then you'll have to clean it too, and fix it, and pay bills for it. When you’re home you grow up and learn stuff that you didn't learn in school, and when you leave home you remember that place as the place you grew up in.
The reason why home is better than the outside is because you can order food and do online jobs and make money and then make an online business and then make money.
Everybody should be grateful for their homes because not everybody has the luxury of being in their “safe zone” [aka homeless people]. Even if your home is all worn down and dirty you should still be grateful for the home you have. This concludes my speech about what home means to me.