The Meaning of Home

Home can mean many different things to different people. Home is not just a building. It means so much more and it is so much more. You are probably wondering, how? What else makes a house a home? Maybe home to you is your family, maybe it’s a hobby. We all think of home differently, but we all have that feeling. That feeling when you can say to yourself I am safe and loved. I think it is so important that you feel comfortable, safe and cared for in your home. Here’s how I feel. Everything happens at my home. I have lived here my whole life. There are so many memories kept inside it and they are so special to me, some good, and some bad. It is where I took my first steps, said my first word, and drew my first picture. I have not experienced moving houses, but if you have, your memories were or are going to be carried along with you. In your new home you can make new memories. Many events also happen at my home, ones like Thanksgiving, and ones like having game night with my family by the fire. We love to play cards together and it makes me feel so happy. There are ones like movie night and eating popcorn or even just hanging out with friends or my cousins in my basement. We like to watch Harry Potter and Star Wars together and it is so much fun eating that delicious buttered popcorn. When I look back at our memories, I feel at home. Your home isn’t just a structure. Maybe a house is a structure, but a home is so much more than walls and a roof. A home is cozy, it makes me feel like I'm sitting on my couch by the fire and drinking hot chocolate. A home is safe. It's where I feel safe because I know that someone or something is always there to protect me and take care of me. My friend has a place where they feel safe, while I have another place where I feel safe. A place to that person might be home to them, but that place is just a house to me. My home is special. It has special items and special photos, but it is also special emotionally. One thing special to me is my bed. Every time I get in my bed at night I feel so calm and relaxed, like I am floating on a fluffy cloud. When I get in my bed I feel protected. My bed is home to me. Many things mean home to me, but the most important one is my family. My family is always there for me. They are there if I am sad or angry or if I am scared or hurt. I know that they always have my back. My family and I love to do things together, we bake banana bread and cookies with my mom, and play tag and dodgeball with my dad. I also love to play tennis with my dad in the summer and in the winter, we go skiing or skating. One time we went snowshoeing and cross country skiing and we had the best time! We also go on vacations together every chance we get. So far we have gone to Mexico, Jamaica, Cuba, Blue Mountain, Quebec, Ottawa, and Calabogie. We went to Jamaica and Mexico with my cousins, and were swimming at the beach and at the pool every day! No matter where we go or what we do, as long as I am with my family, I am home. Now you know why home is important to me, everyone has a different perspective on what home means to them. Home is the memories we make, my cozy feeling, and being with my family. What does it mean to you? Whatever it is, I believe that the one common thing is that home is a place where you most importantly feel free to be yourself, where you are protected and loved. Nothing and nobody can change that feeling because it is yours to keep forever.


5 Année

Scarborough, Ontario

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