Home is where you feel safe, loved and comfortable being yourself
Being safe at home comes from your family’s support and protection. I learned how valuable
it is to feel safe, after a windstorm blew off our house’s roof. We lived with family in a
different set of walls, but it was still home. This event was frightening but less scary because
my family's arms were around me. We lived in my uncle’s house, until ours was repaired. It
was smaller and in a new neighbourhood, but I felt safe because my family was with me. I
learnt the difference between a house and a home.
Home is a place I feel loved. Home is a place where you celebrate, spend holidays and time
with your family. Home is where you feel loved in good times and difficult or scary times. For
example, last year, I fainted. I was so scared, losing control of my body was very difficult.
Going to the hospital, I wasn’t scared as I felt my parents' love, which made me feel at home. I
couldn’t believe it. How can a hospital feel like home? But home is where the love is.
Home is also a place where you can be yourself. I find it hard to express my culture and
practice my religion at school. I don’t want people to think I am too different because I don’t
want to be bullied. Although my friends accept my differences, others would make fun of me.
At home I feel comfortable to be me. I don't feel embarrassed of my culture, our food or my
religion. I feel comfortable to be me. It would be amazing if all kids could feel this way at
If we try to make home, a place you can be yourself, be loved and feel safe, people would be
much happier.
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