In My Home
In my home it smells like lavenders and mango
In my home there is hot chocolate to comfort you
In my home there are blankets to get you warm
In my home there is a bed to sleep in
In my home there are pets to cuddle with in the cold
In my home there is laughter and comfort
In my home there is comfort food like pancakes and crêpe’s
In my home there are people to comfort you
In my home there are passionate thoughts
In my home there are my parents
In my home there is safety
In my home there is cleanliness
In my home there are siblings that I can trust
In my home there are pets to play with
In my home there is a TV to stay entertained
In my home there is happiness
In my home there is love
In my home there is family
In my home is where I feel safe
In my home is where I can cook your comfort food
In my home I can argue but I still love them
In my home there is joy
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