Home in Every Sense

Home is the smell of raspberry-scented candles, lighting up the living room with its glistening flame and the delightful scent of raisin bread that fills the room with its aroma. Home is my cozy, snug reading corner, with a cushiony beanbag chair placed lovingly in the middle of a sea of pillows scattered onto the ground. Home is my hamster, Mango, who brings me joy, each time I walk past his little face, and as his cream-coloured fur brushes against the cage, he looks at me with eyes that ask: 'When will you feed me?' Home is the jazz music from the neon-orange speaker, filling the air with its soft melodies and soothing tone. Home is the jingling bells from Mango’s toy, coming from his cage, as he nibbles and bites on the wood and seeds. Home is the rushing traffic by my window, and with every WOOSH and WHIRR, the sounds remind me that I am safe at home. Home is the sound of my beloved violin, the lyrical melodies whirling around my head, with each and every note I hear and play, I feel a tingling sensation in my heart- reminding me that I am at home.


Grade 6

Vancouver, British Columbia

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