Meaning of Home

When I was little my family moved across the street into a bigger house. I don't remember much since I was so little though. When I was three, my dad built a wooden bunk bed for me and my sister, when I was eleven, I moved out of the room my sister and I used to share, and into my mom's old office. I used to fall asleep every night with my sister snoring peacefully in the bunk below me. I loved it for some reason, because it made me feel like I wasn't alone, and I always had somebody to talk to. Home means so much to every single person on earth even if they don't realize it. In this essay I will talk about what the feeling of having a home means to me. A couple months ago the house I used to live in was being sold from the owner after us. My family went to the open house to see our old building. We went into my old nursery and the mural my parent's friend had painted for me when I was born was still on the wall. It was a purple and black tree with lots of roots and branches. The owners after us had kept it and it gave the room a feeling of safety and peace. Since then, the house has had two other owners and all of them have kept the painting, and the feeling of home too. The feeling of family and togetherness also plays a big part of your home. The feeling of having another human being or pet to help you or be there for you whenever you need it. It's proven that kids who grow up with two parents and a family are more likely to do better in life. I think it's due to the fact that humans need each other to survive. We rely on one another, and that sense of community and belonging. Home has lots of different parts to it. Home is commonly confused with house. A house has four walls, a roof, a front door, and some windows, maybe a couch of a fireplace. My home has my cats, my family, laughter, smiles, love, room to make mistakes, my own space, a cozy bed, memories, homemade art, baby and family photos, the smell of home baked food, creativity, knowledge, a place to be myself, happiness and so much more. I have so many memories associated with the four walls of my townhouse. Home is the only place on earth that has that feeling of being mine and still being shared with others. Some people don't have a home. Some people go to sleep every night, cold and alone. No one should ever have to experience that feeling of not having a place to call your own and a place to be yourself. In conclusion, I think the meaning of home is diverse and that everyone on this earth should have that feeling of home, having a bed to fall into at the end of a hard day. A place to call your own, A kitchen to make home baked meals, A couch to sit and journal on, and maybe even a slushie machine because who doesn't need a slushie machine. THAT is what home means to me.


Grade 6

North Vancouver, British Columbia

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