My Home is Perfect for Me
A house is not a home because I feel comfortable in my home with my family. In my home I feel safe because my grandpa and great grandpa built it together. I love my home, because I have my own space to do what I like. My bedroom is stuffed with all my stuffies.
My favourite time with my family is pizza and movie night.
I like playing games with my brothers. I feel free at home because I can play with my toys and be me.
I am thankful that I have a place to sleep at night, a comfy pillow and a blanket to have happy dreams. I am thankful that I feel comfortable in my home and a place to play with my family.
I have all my favourite toys and bed in my home, it's perfect.
I am also thankful that my home has a roof for me to stay warm and safe.
Thank you Habitat for Humanity for giving people an opportunity to have a place called home, that is just perfect for them.
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