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Home is all around us!

We were about to go to a hiking place so first we got into the parking lot and I and I saw my friends car it was a black jeep and I heard that jeeps do these things where they get a bunch of rubber ducks and you go to a parking lot and you put rubber ducks on every jeep you see and my friends car had so many ducks and they were sitting on the wind shield right in front of the steering wheel anyways let's get back on our topic...hiking. As we were walking in I spotted a box full of hiking sticks, so we all grabbed one and mine was purple and in 3…2…1 our adventure is starting. Here we go! We started walking and I stopped because I saw a deer and the deer had a bracelet on their hoof, so they don't hurt people then I saw a bunny and it was so cute! My dad and my friends did not see because they were to fast . After we saw some log stairs and it was a beautiful view of the lake and then Floris, Nicholas, Matthew, Lucas, my dad, Gavin, Auntie Lisa, Uncle Fai and I all put the picnic mat down. We ate blueberry, sandwiches , grapes, and yummy lemon crackers and we headed back up the log stairs, but my dad carried me because I felt sick and in order to get out we needed to walk, so the people who carried me was my brother, Nicholas, Matthew, Lucas, and uncle Fai. It was because I found out I had heat stroke and we decided to take a picture on the log. I got scared I would fall, so we decided to go down and there was a really steep area. I thought it was cool and that was fun, but anyways let's get back to it, so I was jumping up the stairs and I saw a field, so I ran down the hill with Floris, Nicholas, and Gavin and we finally got back to the the car and ate ice cream.


Grade 4

Richmond Hill, Ontario

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