Home is Not Just a House
Home is not just four walls, it's love and joy. Home is not just a structure, it's laughter and fun.
Home is comfy with a warm bed to sleep in. It’s when your parents cook dinner for you. A house could have fancy designs but a home is love and family. Home could be messy or dirty but it’s warm and joy. Home is not just a house it's a special place where you can spend time with your family. A house can be neat and tidy but a house is warm and peaceful. Home is where love and memories are created. Home provides safety and happiness.
My bed is not just somewhere to sleep in it’s a place where I read books and fall asleep
My kitchen is not just some furnaces, it is where my mom cook for me
My basement is not just a room, it's where I can play and where happiness is created
When I am at home I feel safe and relaxed.
I thank everyone who builds a home for people that don’t have any.
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