Meaning of Home
What home feels to me is chaotic. No matter if it's the weekends or have an activity after school, there is always work. But if you're sick ,you relax and rest. When I go to my grandpa's house with my brother and my cousins we have a dance party. After, we eat. When I am at my grandpa's house it smells like fish because my grandpa eats fish most of the time. When I am at my house it smells fresh because we clean our house almost everyday. At my grardpa's house it feels calm and relaxing. But, when I'm at my house it feels busy. When I am at my grandpa's house it sounds quiet, when I'm at my house it's the opposite. I have one brother and one sister. My home tastes like my favourite food, chili. What I see when I'm at my grandpa's house is a small dining room. When I'm at my house I see a giaint TV .That's what home feels like to me.
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