What home means to me
What home means to me
By Elena Killey Sykes
My name is Elena. I'm nine years old. I have a mom and a dad and a sister named Isla. I think home means protection, family, love and sharing.
Protection is really important. People that don't have a house don’t stay warm during the winter and they get sick. A house, a place I can call my own. These things are important for people’s mental health.
Family helps you for these reasons. Family takes care of you when you're a baby, kid, and young adult. They keep you safe from danger like when someone follows you home. Your family teaches you things like how to talk. They teach you how to read and how to use manners and more. Your family provides
you food to help you grow. If you don't eat food you won't grow.
Love comes from those that you bring into your home, like if you have a husband, or wife, that probably means you have them for love.
Sharing with others is important. For instance, homeless people need money; they need food, water, and new clothes. Some people give those things to homeless people and that's a really good thing to do.
These things mean home to me. I love my house and family and friends. Without these things I wouldn't be who I am right now ♥ ️. I love nature giving humans and animals space to live so please remember to say thanks to the world for sharing and you share too.
Thank you.
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