Meaning of Home
In Ontario my home was turning into a house
It was so silent you could even here a mouse
It made our family feel despite while fearing us with fright
We show up at our new house ready to turn it into a home
I’ve been in my home for almost three miraculous years
And it's made me realize what a home truly is
I need to be more grateful
Even when it’s painful
Because over all that pain
Is my family making sure i’m ok
Scientifically a home is a building with walls, windows and a door
But to me my home is a space where I can explore
It’s where I find more crazy ideas and study art
I will always rely on my special grocery cart
Wherever I am in my home I can always smell my dads delicious and nutritious food
I’ll always devour that food when I'm in a hungry mood.
Meanwhile my mom is petting my fluffy dog
Sometimes he hogs her from the rest of us all
My home is not just where my bedroom is
It’s where all my happiness and joy comes from when my sister says the word rizz
It’s not just a place where I play
It’s my happy place and it calms me down after a rough day
It’s a home and a home is mine where I make adventures.
I might eat in my home but that’s not the part that makes it great
It’s the thought and effort my parents create
When I go to a house it’s not the same as my home
therefor my home is my own
Where I laugh, cry, smile, but most importantly it brings my family together as well as showing us the real meaning of the
best home
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