A Home
My meaning of home is a nice embrace of warm gleeful memories made in the hearts of the people in the house. Home is the highest quality thing to experience in the course of life. To me it is a lovely feeling of joy and excitement that lingers in the air of the house.
It is important to have an out of harm's way house. I feel like the people who don't have a secure house will never get the real passion of a home that is safe and mellow.But that does not mean that it would be easy to move;it still was a house not just a home.
I believe that to me a home does not have to be a building, it can be a feeling you get when you are there with people you love and care for. It can be a park or a car that feels like home but that does not mean that it is a protection from danger or weather. A home can be a room in your house that makes you feel cheery and mellow.
When people move from their home they are not leaving their home they are leaving their house. You can leave the house but the home comes with you to the new adventure that awaits you once you walk through the door.
Habitat for Humanity is so important for so many people who don't have a safe house or A house. They allow people to experience a house that they deserve and a home that is safe and sound and feels like a home so that more people can say “This is MY house this is MY home.”And that is something that is worth having. You can never leave your home ever!
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