What is a home to you?
My home is filled with love, love for my mom, love for my dad, love for my sister, love for my brother, love for my pets and love for me. My home is filled with memories, memories of my mom, memories of my dad, memories of my sister, memories of my brother, memories of my pets and memories of me. My home is filled with kindness, kindness for my mom, kindness for my dad, kindness for my sister, kindness for my brother, kindness for my pets and kindness for me. My home is filled with food food for my mom to eat, food for my dad to eat, food for my sister to eat, food for my brother to eat, food for my pets to eat and food for me to eat. A home should be filled with holidays for a family to enjoy like Easter, Christmas, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and most important birthdays.A house should be filled with little trinkets that your grandparents or aunt and uncles give you every time they visit they might be something silly like a fidget or a little craft but mean a lot to you. A home should be filled with pictures of you and your family like you, your parents, siblings, grandparents, aunts and uncles having fun.A home should be a place where you can invite friends over to have fun and play games like card games and hide and seek. A home should be a place where you feel safe where you feel happy. A house is a place with walls and floors. A home is a place that has memories, love, kindness, and family. A home should be in the heart with the memories of everything and energy one else.
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