
Home is not a house Home is family And feeling safe. If home was just a house it would be quiet and You might feel like you don't belong Or that you're all alone. Home is not that. Home is laughter and memories Understanding and forgiving Love and kindness. Home is the noise of hummingbirds whizzing by the window. Home is where I learned what is Right and what's wrong. Home is where I learned to walk and talk. Home is where I can express my feelings without getting Embarrassed. Home is looking out my window And Seeing my dog trying to make friends with the Eagles flying over the yard. Home is the taste of biting Into a cookie that's still warm. Home is my dogs cold nose pressed against My cheek. Home is where I read Harry Potter In my room peacefully. Home is where pictures are hung of some of our happiest memories. Home is sleeping in on weekends. Home is eating delicious sushi that's the perfect temperature. Christmas dinners with family and friends Is home. Home is the smell of pancakes with warm melted chocolate chips On top. Family is home. Home is one of the most meaningful things to me on the planet. I love home.


Grade 4

Victoria, British Columbia

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