The Love of Home
The Love Of Home
By: Eira Gaur
Home is a place that I feel safe. It is not just where I sleep. It is where things happen.
Home is comfy, as in I feel safe and comfortable. That is where I feel loved, and it is where I love to be. I moved from Waterdown. That led me to a fresh start. I had to make new friends and leave others behind. After I moved I made friends, I started new things like taekwondo, and that led me to my black belt. It took six hours but in the end when I was at home that didn’t even matter. That day when I got home everything felt great.
A home is not a house. Sure they are similar, but a home is where you make memories, have fun, and most importantly it has the people you love. A house has furniture and expensive stuff, but you can live with friends in university, or you could live with your family in a home full of love.
The smell of yummy food in the kitchen, or seeing the people you love every day makes it home.You also have experiences. Like for me covid was bad. I had to attend online school. We had to do gym online! Home is full of memories. Like me doing my first front flip, or getting my fish Niki. I love her. She is part of my family.
At home you have many feelings such as love, happiness, joy, and silliness. Love is a very strong emotion in a home. It could be love for parents and siblings, or other important people in your life. Love is so strong that it is a key feature in some houses.
This is what home means to me.
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