Home To Me
Home to me is where love lives,
Home to me is where love gives,
A place where I can express my feelings,
A space where I can keep going,
A place where I can keep growing,
Home is a place that smells like warm smores,
A place where I can always do more,
A cozy place where I lay my head,
Where I know everything will be alright when i lay down in bed,
Home is a place where the people I love spend time together,
A place where my loved ones laugh together,
A comforting space, Where I am loved forever,
Home to me is not just bricks, pillars,and walls,
It is a place where I can fall,
A place where I can get back up when I fall,
it's not the walls that make me feel at home,
it’s is the love that makes it feel like home,
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