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A Home, a House

Dear Diary, Today I explored a brand new subject: house and home. I think a home is not the same as a house, and I’ll tell you why. While everybody has a home, not everybody has a house. A house is a building made with wood and bricks, while a home is something, anything that feels safe. A home has people you love in it and it doesn't have to necessarily be a structure. A book could be a home, where your worries wash away like the tide on my favourite beach. Does that mean that a home is just a place where you can go to feel calmer? Well, it could be… friends and family are safe and calm too, is that a home? A home can travel with you while a house will stay in the same place. Houses can be places you love, places you can be yourself and express emotions. It could be a house, but it doesn’t have to be. Maybe it’s a country where you visit so often and have so many connections, you can call it a home too. What about a park you love, or a tree that’s so easy to climb you feel like a monkey. That could be a home, right? A home can have privacy or could be wide open. Each one of these can be a home, but it really depends. Someone who loves the outdoors could call it their home, but someone that loves to curl up on their couch might not agree. To each person, a home is different. It’s special to each individual. I think about people that don't have a house.. Did they really lose their home? No, home is where the heart is. Now I truly understand the differences.


Grade 5

Westmount, Quebec

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