My Home is my Place
A house is not a home , a house is plain with no memories
In my house there is no enemies
A warm and sweet place to drink some tea
It makes me feel so free
And when my parents ask
I will always be on task
A home will be crazy
It will also be a little lazy
A soft fuzzy dog to pet
I will try and stop my brothers from making a bet
All my family loves to chatter
My parents love to make sure we know we matter
All day my brothers will be on the video games
Our family photos are in picture frames
My family is important to me
If they were gone I don't know how I’d be
I trust my big brothers
And I really love my mother
My pet is the one I can talk to my dog I love
The fireplace has a little bit of fog , oh and I see a dove!
We all have a room to call our friends
And my parents have messages to send
My heart feels warm laying in my cozy bed
There's one non human that I love the most , that would be my pet
My parents work hard for the roof and walls they provide
On vacations me and my brothers like to go down the water slides
My home my not look the best ,it might be a little bit of a mess
But in my heart it will always be my place to rest
My home I love and a home everyone should have
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