Home is Not Just a Building

People say, a house is a building for human habitation. They can be right, but a home is not just a building. It's what you feel inside that building. You may live in a giant mansion with many riches and you may call that your home, but if you despise the place and don’t find pleasure staying there, then how can that be your true home? A home is like your happy place, where you always want to be. A home is not just a building because it’s where your heart is found. You might like your house but sometimes, your heart longs to be somewhere else in particular. Like for instance, I love my house and all, but I’d rather hang out with my friends and chill with my family someplace else. That is where my heart longs to be. A home is not just a building, but it may be a hobby or something you like to do that makes you feel at home. I like to write and play my bass guitar. Gymnastics and baking with my Mom are also hobbies of mine, and whenever I do those things, I feel at home. It doesn’t matter where I do them, but it matters how I do them. A home isn’t just a building, but it’s a place where you belong. The earth may be a wonderful place, but I truly belong with my Father in Heaven. That is where I always want to be. The Bible says that God promises a home in Heaven for all who have their faith in Jesus Christ. A home is not just a building, but if you ask me, a home is a special place where you make special memories.


Grade 6

Halifax, Nova Scotia

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