Home is Loving
Hi my name is John and I lived in a house with my annoying little brothers and my mom and dad. We lived in a little blue house in New Brunswick. But there was a war going on but I did not know because at the time I was only 5 years old. The sad part is that my blue house was gone and we had to move to a little brown house in Nova Scotia.
At first it was scary, especially because I had to go to a new school, but then it got better. I went to school and when I got there the teacher said we have a new student today and then I walked in the classroom and all the students said hi to me. I felt so much less scared after they said hi to me. I went to my table and then the teacher did attendance and then we had gym, math, snack, recess, library, lunch and then music.
After school I went home and I heard my parents crying their eyes out because we had to move again but this time we did not know what house we were going to but when I got there it was the little blue house that I used to live in I was so happy that I was crying. Then, I realized that home is a place that can be small, big, green, blue, but the main part is that home always has a family that is loving and supportive. If you’re lucky it may also have warm food with a fire on and movies to enjoy with your family. I love my home.
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