What Home Means to Me
A home for me is a place of happiness, fun, comfort and where I live with my family.
My parents had migrated from a different country to make a home here.
My home is where I sleep and eat yummy food prepared by my mom, play with my baby sister, play board games with my dad, where we worship together as a family and it’s more than walls and a roof.
It's where I live, where I work, and most importantly where I feel the safest.
It is where I am growing up and hoping to become the best version of myself under the guidance of my parents.
If I think about it I would say home is where you feel like you belong.
Even when I go back to my parent’s country to visit my grandparents, cousins, and uncles and aunts, I am still at home there because I am surrounded by lots of love and warmth.
When at home it is like my sanctuary, a guard to keep you away from the dangers of the outside world.
Therefore, a home is not bricks and mortars, but a place which you share with your loved ones.
And hence it doesn’t matter if you live in a luxurious mansion orin a small cottage in a countryside as far as you are with yourloved ones you will always be at home.
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