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it's not just four walls and a roof.

Home is not just four walls and a roof. Home is a place where memories are made.Home is a place to live, laugh and love.Home is where drawings are drawn and paintings are framed.home is where you sleep , eat and communicate.Home is where tv shows are watched and beds are slept in.Home is a place to communicate,share times together and enjoy a place of warmth.Home is where dinner is eaten and lunch is made.Home is a place of chaos and peace happiness and protection play and hanging out.Home is where LOVE is made.Home is where beds are slept in and where stuffies are hugged. Home is where games are played,cards or uno things that are not the same.home is a place where parents support you when sad, mad or just feel bad. Home is not just the warmth it's the joy and love .Home is where movies are watched. Home is a place where drawing are drawn and painting are painted where colours shine. Thank you Habitat for Humanity for making homes like mine.


Grade 4

Oakville, Ontario

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