My home is somewhere where I can do stuff that I can't
do in public or at school. At home I have quality toilet
paper . Home is a place where you can play xbox and
play minecraft and play other games This is important to
me because I like playing these games to take away
stress and emotion . Home is also a place where you can
eat what you want like oreos ice cream, sour patch kids
and mom’s homemade banana brownies! You can just sit
around and do absolutely nothing and lay down and relax
and watch tv shows and have fun. Home is a place where
you can do virtually anything for example, play sports that
you like and or want to try. Home is where my annoying
little sister lives, she is always coming in my room and
asking me to play barbies. She also does bad things to me
like turning my xbox off when i'm in the middle of a game. I
know she just wants my attention but does it in all the
wrong ways!
The meaning of home to me is a place that keeps you safe
and secure, so nothing hurts you in your home. We have
a big dog named Lennox and she is always on guard,
even when it comes to raccoons in our trash cans.
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