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My home

My home is not a house, it is a place to share memories, have fun and laugh together. When I see my home,I think of all the fun memories we have made in the past years.Some people don't get to have a home so I am lucky to have one. Whenever I get home I am happy because I think of all the fun new memories I will make.Some nice memories i had when i was little were,when i got home from school or anywhere i would always run up to my parents and give them a big hug to tell them i love them. Me and my family would always have fun together.When i get home from school me and my family always play games whether it's on technology or outside. Most of the time we play outside but the games we play are soccer,baseball and volleyball.We love to invite other people to play with us too because sometimes there are an odd amount of people. Me and my family always laugh together whether it's when we´re out or at home.Some things that make us laugh are funny jokes and stuff that don't make sense.One time when we were at home my mom came out of her room and said to us¨Knock Knock Whos There Interrupting cow Interrupting cow MOO¨ we all laughed. That is why my home is very important. by:Zander


Grade 6

Listowel, Ontario

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