Home Is Everything!
Home is safe whenever I'm in my bedroom. I feel safe and sound when I'm cuddling in my blanket. I have a TV in my room so I can watch anything I want. It would be fun to watch a movie with friends and family, even cousins!. Sometimes I do homework in my bedroom where it’s relaxing and safe.
Home is love whenever I'm in my living room. We relax and watch cartoons and some funny movies that make me laugh a lot. My mom always plans a movie night together. My mom sets everything up like popcorn, treats and desserts that my mom makes like cookies, cake and cupcakes.
Home is peaceful when I'm in my office. Sometimes when I'm in my office feeling bored I can draw, make arts and crafts and anything else. It's fun when you use your imagination and discover something new.
Home is joyful because when I'm in my basement I make my own fort and I put my favorite things like my sketchbook and my makeup set and other things inside. When it’s dark in my fort, I use my favorite flashlight that shines so bright like the sun. Whenever my friends come over to my house we rush to the basement and make it as fast as we can.
Thank you Habitat for Humanity for giving us a lovely, beautiful and safe home
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