Home is Love and Happiness
Home is not a house
It’s a place where memories live
It is a happy place where
We learn to be selfless and give
It’s where we all
Laugh and play
And where we wake up
Home is a place
Where we share a story
Of times of great sadness
Or of times you were sorry
Home is where we have fun
Playing games and sports
Where we do puzzles and crafts
And build some cozy forts
Home has a safe feeling
Unlike the highway or the road
It has laughter and love
And smiles that could explode
we can help build
The homes that were lost
Due to fires, hurricanes, or floods
Or to the rising cost
A shelter can do for a house
But it’s not really a home
It protects you from most weather
But in a home, you never feel alone
Thank you Habitat for Humanity
For the contest you’ve arranged
For the hundreds of home,s you’ve built
For all the lives you've changed
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