Home you might think is just your house, the place you live.But to me home means more than just my house.Home is where there is laughter and jokes with people you can trust.Home is where you will argue and have small fights but find forgiveness.Home is where we stand together as a nation or a country in peace and love.
Home to me is not just my house, it's the people I am with.Home is more than just sitting around my house watching TV or playing video games.But it’s a community a place of different people and different cultures from around the world.Home is the world where many,many people live.
Home is where God and Jesus are,home is my relationship with God and jesus.Home is where we sing,pray and worship the lord at church at your house or out in the world.Home is not just a country or a nation,home is a place in my heart along with all my love for family,friends and the Lord.
Many people had to flee their homes because of war or other problems, for example Salva Dut who had to flee his home because if a war.He had to walk thousands of miles to escape the war,and he went through many challenges such as losing his best friend and his uncle.Stuff like this can change your thoughts of what home means to you.
Many people such as Salva Dut and many others go through hard things that change lot’s of their thoughts.But when they go through those hard things it encourages them to think hard ,on how to make their own and others homes to be better and safer.So that's what Salva and many others did,trying to make their community a better and safer place.
To me home is not just a place of laughter and people,but a group of many,many different people all over the world.You May just start to think”Ok maybe my neighborhood is my home”.I think”Ok you think your neighborhood is your home”,ok your off to a good start.But,think of all the people outside your neighborhood you know and consider family or friends,who are not in your neighborhood.You will have to expand your home for all the people outside your neighborhood.
Your home is bigger than you think,it’s not just a house full with furniture and a lot of toys and video games.A home is a place where you see all people,loved ones friends pets and animals.home is a place full of love,joy,peace,hope and worship to the Lord our God.Our homes are not homes without our Lord Jesus.
All of this concludes to many different views of what home means to diffrent people,and that home is more than just a house or any place you live.All that adds up to what home means to me.
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