Meaning of home
To me home means that you love people. I love my mom because she cooks for me and love me. I like to be with my mom because she makes me feel at home.
I love my dad because he plays sports with me and paints with me. I like being with my dad because he makes me feel at home and he hangs out with me. That’s why I love him.
I love my grandparent’s because they care about me, love me, and make me laugh. I like to be with them because they are there for me when I need them and will take care of me.
I love my brothers because they are nice to me sometimes and they can be annoying, but they love you. I love them too.
My best friends, Everett and Aven are nice to me and all my other friends, but they can be rude sometimes, but they still like you.
My animals mean a lot to me, and I love them a lot because they sleep play and does tricks with me. They love me too.
That’s what a home means to me. It’s the people you’re with not where you are. Family friends and pets make me happy.
A house means to me you have room a bathroom, a kitchen, living room, and clean water. A house has a bathroom with a bathtub, a sink, .and a toilet
A house has a room with, toys, a bed a, dresser, a closet, and sometimes, a vanity.
A house has a kitchen food an oven and a sink.
That’s what a house means to me it’s where you are. It’s not a home because a home is where people love you a house is where you are and with.
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