Home is Where I Was Born
Home is a place where I can feel relieved in nice way,
I can be myself, and it's a place that's safe to me,
a place that I can call home.
A place that's full of culture and religion, a place where I can speak
in my native accent, and eat a variety
of different types of foods
that my mom or my dad made just for me and my brother.
Home, it's where I was born,
it's where my brother was born. Home is Canada, and the Bahamas too.
Me and my brother's memories are built here.
And more, and more memories continue to come to this family,
to my family.
Traveling is always a treat for us, whether it's visiting family or going on
vacation to somewhere unique.
Warm or cold, my home is there, and I can talk about my day and my emotions to family,
memories are built and made there,
laughter floods our family room and droplets of giggles always fall from the ceiling.
Home is where my parents live, where my brother lives, it's where I live.
Your home may be far away, or it may be close by, you could even be from two or three different places like me.
Home, it's a place that's different to all of us,
even to animals around the world
What does your home
mean to you?
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