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Meaning of Home

What is home to me, is like a memory from the past. Also home smells like gas fuel coming out of motorcycles and smoke coming from fire, and yummy food smells from food and candy shops around my home. I also hear cars and motorbikes drive by and my brothers, sisters and me playing together. And 2 of my older brothers and my younger brother who’s in India and I, we messed around with cars because we bought water balloons and hit cars and motorcycles. Home feels like the real self. March is my favourite month to spend in India because we get to throw water balloons and colours that make you all dirty you can even hit cars and motorcycles without permission. I get to go to India every 4 years, one time I’ll go I’m 12 or 13. My parents are both from small towns in india. I have 5 brothers,1 sister in India plus 2 uncles and aunts. I also have 2 grandma’s and 1 grandpa. My great grandpa made a whole village from scratch in the 1890s to the 1940s. Then he moved to a small town in India and then my grandfather was born in 1948. Years later, from 1948 to 1984, my father was born with 2 brothers and 1 sister. In 2009 my parents got married and in 2015 I was born! Then in 2019 my brother was born March 13 and I was born April 26. The people that are most special to me are my family. My home and family are the most important people and things in the whole world.


Grade 4

Calgary, Alberta

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