My home away from home
As I’m standing on the deck
Watching the ripples in the pool
As I dip both of my hands in
The water flowing, nice and cool
When I plunge into the water
My body acting in compliance
All of the voices of my teammates
Completely drowned out by the silence
I’m up on the block and I’m ready to go,
I see a light flash and then I hear the whistle blow
I launch myself through the air trying to glide low,
and then I feel the freezing water hit me like the winter snow
I’m splashing and I’m kicking and I’ve overtaken my friend,
then I look up through my goggles and I’m almost at the end
And it’s like climbing up a mountain,
or like running on the track the flowing water just like gravity trying to push you back
Now I’m flying through the water closing right in to the final wall,
only five meters away from the result of it all
I touch the tile, then I climb out, grab my water,
quench my thirst, then I look up at the timing board and I realize I got first
Laughing with my friends
In the change room after practice
Racing to the parking lot
Our parents waiting for us
A place where I can thrive
Where my passion is ignited
A place where people stand together
Where everyone’s united
Competing Training Bonding
It’s not so hard to see
That this is my home away from home
This is where I’m meant to be
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