What Home Means to Me

Home is a special place, where you can fit in too, with snacks, and laughter and dozens of books, for all the way through. But if you go down the creepiest street, you'll find an empty house, with just empty halls, no snacks, no laughing, not even a single book. Home has memories. Some are sad, some are happy, with safe feelings. Down the hall, on the cozy couch, we snuggle with family. But if you see, a house has a couch, sink, and games. Back in home there's family and friends, aunts and uncles, Cousins and nieces, grandma and grandpa. In a house, its cold with you all alone, but if you look back, home is warm with a family. A house is just made with bricks, straws, and coles. A home is made with love and peace hugs and kisess throughout the year. Home is diffrent besides a house, house is just 8 rooms, but a home is love, so we can live together as a family.


Grade 4

Halifax, Nova Scotia

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