Meaning of Home
What does home mean to me? Home is a place you don't call your house. A home is something you can not buy in a store, but you can buy a house. A home is where you can be whoever you want and loved. Home is where you can go and feel safe. A house has four walls and a roof but a home is filled with love and can not be rebuild. Love is inside of your home. A home is whear you can feel calm or loud and excided whatever home mean to you. Home can be the best place on earth or the worst. Home to me and can free and can be me. My home to me is a house can just have an oven but in a home a oven can be a plae whear you bake cookies with your mom. Home to me is where I play games with my dad and my brothers. Home to me is when me and my brothers make forts. Home to me is when me and my mom watch our favourite movies together in a cozy bed. Home to me is cuddling with my tiny dog in her warm bed beside the heater. And that's what home means to me. Thank you so much Habitat Humanity for giving people the chance to know what a home feels like.
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