Why does home mean so much to me?
When I'm going into my home, or I'm in my home. The smell
of family members fills the air. The smell of family member
Makes me feel like I belong, I'm safe, cuddly, warm and at home.
When I'm at my home and it’s almost time to eat I can smell the food
Surrounding me. But it isn't just the food that makes it tip top. It is the
Side of love that makes it beautiful.
When I'm on my porch it feels so smooth, because it feels smoother
when it's hand built, not bought from a store. And when I step on it
It feels at home because my family members made it.
When the food comes to me by a family member it's like I got A whiff of
Heaven. Because like I told you before it's not the food that's good its
The love and homemade food that the skill of my family members have
brought to me.
When I'm at my fireplace on my dogs bed the keeps me warm
And cuddly and it takes all your madness away. But remember I did say
That my dogs bed is by the fireplace and lots of dog hair is on it and it
Just makes us all feel like home. Even if the dogs not there it feels like
The dogs there because the dog hair is there so we never clean the
Dog beds because it makes us feel like home.
That's why home means so much to me.
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