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My home looks like a place filled with joy and gratitude. God filled my home with love. Thank you to my parents for giving me a home filled with kindness and love. The smell of pasta with boiled eggs is delightful. My home feels like joy. My home has my mom reading a bedtime story. She says good night with a kiss and embrace. My home is filled with my mom, dad, brothers, aunties and cousins. My home is where I can be myself. My home smells of love. I am thankful God made us who we are and gave my family a home. Thankful to Jesus for his sacrifice. We pray as a family together around a candle. Home is gratefulness. Home is a place filled with God, Mary and Joseph. Home is where I am grateful to my parents because they feed us and buy us stuff. Home is the place I can sleep with joy. Home is filled with love.


Grade 4

Red Deer, Alberta

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