There are many reasons why home is a great place to stay and have fun. I'm also going to tell you what home means to me and why home is a safe and loving place to stay and why we should support Habitat for Humanity for making wonderful homes for people to live in.
Home is a place where we play games like Ticket to Ride, Rummikub and SEQUENCE. It’s also fun because of our yard. My brother, sister and I like to play sports in our backyard like Soccer, Badminton, Football and sometimes Baseball. Our dad and mom sometimes play soccer with us too. It's also fun because you can play games on the TV if you have one. Some people like to do other stuff like play cricket or kickball and some may like to read or do puzzles. And you can invite friends and family over to hang out with and have fun. That's why home is incredibly fun!
Home is also a place where you can bring pets or foster pets into a home. They make your home more fun and there are so many different pets you can have in your home like snakes, dogs, cats, lizards, fish, rabbits, birds and many more. They're really fun to play with and to spoil, but not too much because if you stop they may attack you. Your cat makes home feel happier, and he makes it feel less lonely. Most pets will make you laugh like some birds would knock anything they see off of the table same with some cats, snakes, dogs, ferrets and rabbits probably more. And that's why pets make home so much more fun!
You feel safe at home because there are people you love and trust there, and you're used to it. You also feel safe at home because it gives you shelter, and it's a place where you can stay. Not only that, but you feel safe because you can sleep in a soft bed. Also, you can lock your doors, so it's harder for people to break in. Besides, it keeps you dry when it's raining outside and warm when it's cold. You also feel safe because you are free to go outside and play sometimes. You can keep coats, snow pants, gloves and hats in the closet or on a coat rack, so you are warm when you go outside and when the power goes out.
Those are some reasons why home is a fun and safe place where you can bring your family and pets and also your friends. It’s the best place to stay when it's snowing or raining because it keeps you warm, dry and clean. That's why we should support Habitat for Humanity, so they can keep making homes so people who don't have one have a wonderful place to stay.
Leah Brady
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