Meaning of Home

My mom keeps me unassailable because she loves me and wants me to improve my learning and wants me to be a good woman and help if they need help and let nothing come over me.Also my mom makes sure I have heat and a roof over my head. My pets make me feel unassailable because without my two cats that I adopted here and the cats I had in France I wouldn't be the same I would also be miserable also when I hold them, they make me feel happy. They warm best freind makes me feel invulnerable because she Held me in bad moments and helped me, she comforted me a lot. I also tell her everything all my Secrets. My siblings make me feel invulnerable because they assist me when displeasing moments happen.They tell me stuff to make me feel better. I relay all of this to home because it's important for me ......this is my home. Thank you, habitat of humanity, for building homes for people that don't have one. We appreciate it a lot thanks...


Grade 6

Edmundston, New Brunswick

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