Meaning of home
Home is a place where you will always be loved and welcomed no matter what. Home is like a drawing. It might not make sense at first but you just have to look harder to find it. It is a place where pride hope and kindness flows in the air. Home looks boring at first no color no surprise but once you go there it will be flowing with vibrant colors like an artist painting abstract art. Home s a place that is warm and loved it almost feels like you are sitting by a flickering fire. It is a place so loved that you will always remember it in your heart. Even when sad or stressed you will you will realize what you have and what you have always had and soon you will feel glad. Home is where you keep your valuables from loved ones to sparkling jewelry. Home is when you are sad and suddenly you are happy. In your home people know you are strong, smart, kind and most importantly loved. Home is like a feeling but not any feeling home is a mixture of feelings and it tries hard to keep good ones for you. Home can feel magical and whoever said magic isn’t a thing just wait until you see a home it is as magical as ever. When you are at home you always have something to do whether it’s sitting or playing. You probably keep your food in a home but some people don’t have food that is why we must donate money for them so they can live a great life just like us and if you do donate they will feel like they are in a beautiful buffet and they will always be welcome to food. Some people may not think that they have a home but they do and if you don’t think you do just remember we will always donate for you. Everybody should have a home.
I hope our money will help you!