Home Is A Place That Gives you acceptance for your being. Some people’s idea of a home is a place with a loving family, nice interior, great food, to some, home is where you have fun. My idea of a home is not about how small or big it is, a nicely sized house is good. And a house is not a home. A house is a place you live, you sleep, you do humane things. A house can have chairs, and so can a home, it doesn't mean they're the same thing. A home is where you feel comfortable enough to talk about your preferences and problems. A home is a place filled with things that you think are good, some people’s idea of a home is their preference,being self-centered isn't bad, well, sometimes it is, but not always. A home is somewhere that you get love for free, somewhere you don't need to achieve it, but you have to in most houses. A house feels empty, somewhere just for living, not for enjoying the company of you and others, but you always have to make the best of everything.A home is somewhere that you're supported for doing stuff, like for example, arts. A home should be comfortable. Some people just like to put a bed in the middle of their home, and some put warm couches. A home should have the interior of your liking, but keep the budget in mind. Sometimes, in a house, you expect to be loved and feel safe, but sometimes that's not fulfilled. Because it's not a home. Sometimes you expect a lot, because you’d give a lot. But if you live in a house, unsure and confused of what to do, you have to create the dynamic of a home.